Coming from rural
backgrounds the Stem
team aren’t afraid to
get their hands dirty.

“Rolling up the sleeves and just getting on with it” is a pretty good way to describe how the Stem Rural team works. We’ve learnt that getting out of the office and getting under the bonnets of our clients’ businesses is the best way to understand which tools we can best use to help.

Just like maintenance, we believe being proactive is the best way to get best from your business and that’s why we’re always finding our clients opportunities other accountants have overlooked. If there’s a better way, we’ll find it for you.

Regardless of whether your objectives are to “just take care of business”, to achieve stratospheric growth or anywhere the middle, the Stem team is ready, sleeves rolled up and ready to get busy.


No Surprises with Income Tax

Here at Stem we can make a real difference with our No Surprises tax service. This utilises the AIM method (Accounting Information Method) of paying income tax instead of the traditional Standard provisional tax method.

Using AIM & Xero we are able to calculate your income tax every two months and you can pay this along with your GST. You only pay tax when you make a profit. If you’ve overpaid tax you can receive a refund straightaway.

To use AIM you must:

– have an annual turnover of under $5m
– be an individual or a company (no Trusts or Partnerships at this stage)
– use approved accounting software, we use Xero

We currently have over 100 clients paying their income tax via the AIM method and they all say it’s the best decision ever as there’s – ‘No Surprises!’

Inland Revenue has more information on AIM here.

Forecasting with Figured

Martin popped out to see Luther and Jess Siemelink to see how Figured  works for their dairy farming business.

Figured works seamlessly with Xero enabling you to confidently plan and re-forecast with realtime information when conditions change. We can use Figured to budget and forecast for any client type but it really comes into its own for Dairy and Drystock Farmers.

For Fonterra suppliers we can automatically update your forecasted income when dairy price changes are announced.


The difference a Chartered Accountant can make for your business

When PSA hit Trudi’s Kiwifruit clients here in Te Puke she went all out to ensure a law change was passed to ensure that the costs to the grower became fully tax deductible. This video explains what happened.


Here are some snippets of business and accounting news we've recently put out on our Social Media.


Interest deductibility on property investments is now being phased in with 80% allowable from 1 April 2024

As of 10 March, the coalition government has confirmed the return of interest deductibility for property investors, with the phased-in changes taking effect from the next financial year. As a result, legislation is expected to be passed allowing you to deduct 80% of...

Some common things businesses forget at tax time

Running a business is a demanding job, so it’s no wonder owners lose track of crucial things at tax time, such as: Deducting entertainment expenses Dinner and lunch meetings with clients and customers are partially tax deductible. Keep your receipts and check in with...

Minimum wage increases to $23.15 per hour

The Workplace Relations and Safety Minister has announced that the adult minimum wage will be rising to $23.15 per hour from 1 April 2024. - a 2% increase from the current hourly rate of $22.70. Brooke van Velden had initially proposed a 1.3% increase, while the...

What policy changes might affect your business?

Here are some of the changes businesses should watch for: 1. Reintroduction of 90-day employment trial periods The government has extended the availability of 90-day employment trial periods for all businesses, reversing changes made in 2018, which scrapped 90-day...

Happy New Year

Thank you for your business in 2023. For business owners, the New Year is often the time of year when you reflect on where you are at and think about your business goals for the year ahead. These could be lofty goals, or even setting out a plan to achieve some more...

What to look out for when buying a business

Buying an established business is a great way to enter into the business world, or to expand your existing business empire. But purchasing a company isn’t something to enter into lightly. Becoming the prospective owner of a new business means doing your homework,...

2020 Diversity Awards NZ – Work Life Balance Category  – Winner of Small Organisation Excellence Award

September 2020 – We were finalists in the 2020 Diversity Awards NZ in the Work Life Balance category and have won a small organisation excellence award!. This is in recognition of the implementation of our very successful six hour workday for our team. For more information head over to the Diversity Works NZ website to read our case study. You can also watch our entry video below.

Here are Trudi, Martin & Nick accepting our award at the awards ceremony at Sky City.

Switching to
Stem is easy

Have you been thinking that your current accountant just isn’t quite cutting it and it’s time for a change?